Yearly Cashback
Yearly Donations
Get a $10 bonus when you try AllGives!
Save money and support a cause
when you shop at your favorite stores!
Visit our stores page to activate deals at 300+ online stores. Then, shop as usual.
Up to 15% of your purchase goes back to you and a cause you care about.
Cash out your rewards via PayPal, then choose a nonprofit for your AllGives donation. Shopping just got more rewarding – for you and the world!
Want to have your school or nonprofit featured?
Stores give us a commission when you shop through our portal. We pass most of this commission on to you as cash back and allow you to keep it for yourself and raise donations for a cause you care about!
Just click on the store links on our website and shop like normal. You’ll be notified about your cash back within a few days. Plus, anything you earn is on top of your normal credit card rewards!
Yes! Get the new iOS app and add our browser extension to Chrome or Edge on your computer to get notified whenever there’s a deal you can activate.
Just visit the “Dashboard” tab under your account menu to withdraw your cash back using PayPal and make a donation to a nonprofit.
Yes! AllGives is a free and effective way to raise money for all types of nonprofits – charities, schools, teams, and more. To learn about partnerships and get in touch, please visit our organizations page.
Not a member yet? Join for free and get a $10 bonus after your first shopping trip!